Your Magical Girl Persona!
Magical Girl Name Lilia
Theme (Or multiple themes)Fate, controller of fate, author of life
Transformation Device TypeNone
Transformation PhraseYou'll see, this is what you meant to experience
Transformation Device NameInverse fate
Transformation ElementsNone
Outfit Type (Dress, Suit, etc)Long Dress
Hairstyle Long straight dark brown hair
Weapon Type (Gun, Sword, Wand)Strings
Attack NameDice of fate
When Lilia transforms, her long dark brown hair glows with a mysterious light as she utters, "You'll see, this is what you meant to experience." Her transformation device, Inverse Fate, envelops her in a shimmering aura, revealing her elegant long dress. With her weapon, Strings, she can manipulate the threads of fate itself. Her signature attack, Dice of Fate, allows her to control destiny, shaping the outcome of any situation with a roll of her mystical dice. As the magical girl of fate and life, Lilia's powers are boundless and her presence commands the very fabric of existence.


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