AI Monster TF 2
ผลการวินิจฉัย You, Kathleen, have been chosen by the ancient forces of darkness to undergo a terrifying monster transformation. Brace yourself for a metamorphosis unlike any other. As the moon rises on the night of your transformation, your body will start to undergo a grotesque and awe-inspiring change. Your skin will turn as pale as the moonlight itself, taking on a ghostly glow. Your eyes will become piercing and luminescent, able to see in the darkest of nights. Sharp, elongated fangs will grow from your mouth, ready to tear through flesh and bone. Your once delicate hands will transform into massive, clawed appendages, capable of crushing anything in their path. As for your legs, they will bend and contort, giving you the ability to leap great distances and run with inhuman speed. Finally, your voice will change, morphing into a bone-chilling howl that will strike fear into the hearts of all who hear it. Embrace your inner monster, Kathleen, and let the darkness within you unleash its true power.


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