Fantasy Stuffing: The Solo Adventurer

ผลการวินิจฉัย Oct, as you travel to a dinosaur filled jungle where a tribe of giant amazonians live, you need a bit of extra cash for the hotel. Luckily, the local adventuring guild has a few quests you can take.

You are in charge of going on a date with a daughter to a mafia don. She is very hot, but eats a ton, and forces you to eat more than her so she doesn't feel 'fat'.

At the end of your adventure, you are looking to avoid mirrors for the next few weeks. Not that your flabby gut
will fit in one.

Next time, you'll have teammates who will get these kind of missions.

Anyways, onto the next town!


When you're a hero in a fantasy like setting, there is many dangers. Dangerous people, dangerous monsters, dangers to your waist line. (Note: there is weight Gain, stuffing, and some vore. If any of that will bother you, just keep scrolling.)

Vore Weightgain Stuffing
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