Fantasy Stuffing: The Solo Adventurer

ผลการวินิจฉัย Shila Bloodkin, as you travel to a dinosaur filled jungle where a tribe of giant amazonians live, you hear a vision from a psychic of a quest that must be done, or will bring you to a painful end...

You begin to explore a mansion corrupted by ghosts. It's a scary and steep climb up the rickety staircase. As you find the main room, and ask the ghosts to stop, the words 'one condition' are written on the walls. It presents you with a table with a deemingly endless amount of food and wine. You would consider drinking and eating some of this regardless, as it looks tempting, but under these circumstances, you have no other choice.
You can barely stand up by the end of it, but you won.

At the end of your adventure, you still feel sick to your stomach still from everything. Hopefully it will go away in the next few days, but your new breasts, ass and tummy
definitely won't.

You will probably want to pack a few snacks for the road. You know, just in case.

Anyways, onto the next town!


When you're a hero in a fantasy like setting, there is many dangers. Dangerous people, dangerous monsters, dangers to your waist line. (Note: there is weight Gain, stuffing, and some vore. If any of that will bother you, just keep scrolling.)

Vore Weightgain Stuffing
ผลการวินิจฉัย: คงเดิม

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