Fate Romance

ผลการวินิจฉัย Mystia falls in love with Merlin.
However, Achilles is also competing for your love!

Merlin met you, through your job at Chaldea. Despite the odds, you catch Merlin's eye, by learning their native tongue.

Merlin confesses his love to you in a faithful manner, They take you into a private room and they smile and whisper softly “My love, My friend, My master, I vow to protect you, my sweet love.”

his's song for you: - crush
Your song for them: - Teeth
The first date:
This servant doesn’t have an exact preference when it comes to dates. their happy as long as they get to spend time with the one they love most. But if it were up to them to choose where you’ll have your first date, they’d like to spend the day with you at a library. Just something casual while they
I drive around the streetsan inch away from weeping,ashamed of my sentimentality and possible love.

*It is an absolute necessity that you keep your lover away from their enemy, Mozart.
*You’re the little spoon when cuddling :3
*they never say it themselves, but you can feel true happiness radiating from their gentle smile whenever they’re playing music together with you.



A shindan that gives you a detailed description of life with your fate lover!
Mello Soto@Mello22021297


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