Platinum Shoot!(4 Card)

Chemy1 Name(Attribute & Level)Hawkstar(Animal Level 6)
Chemy 1 Information the hawk chemy who has a potential to be a star. a sudden dive from the air to a target on the groun
Chemy 2 NameCatchula(Animal Level 2)
Chemy 2 Information a spider chemy that spits out silk from all its legs. catch anything in the beautiful woven nest!
Chemy 3 NameJunglejan(Plant Level 9)
Chemy 3 Information the jungle chemy that form a vast tropical rainforest. oh heartless! once you get caught up in it, y
Chemy 4 NameMackraken(Occult Level 7)
Chemy 4 Information a chemy resemble the legendary sea monster kraken. it spits out pitch black smears and blocks out al
Platina Gotchard would be like a formidable force of nature when utilizing the 4 Chemy powers and abilities to summon them in battle against the Malgam or opponents. With the Hawkstar's precision dives, Catchula's silk traps, Junglejan's entangling rainforest, and Mackraken's dark smears, his arsenal would be diverse and powerful, making him a fearsome opponent to face.


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