Your Giant Pokemon Encounter

ผลการวินิจฉัย You, Fuli, heard intriguing info about a giant, gentle anthro Rayquaza. You go to the quiet park you heard it frequents, and its giant foot stomps the ground beside you, startling you before the pokemon notices you.

The anthro Rayquaza is excited to meet you, and then it audibly contemplates the best way to eat you.

After spending some time together, the anthro Rayquaza eagerly takes you home, away from your prior obligations. During the evening, the pokemon licks you over affectionately, then licks constantly for a few minutes, as if finding you tasty; and the pokemon lays you down, raises a foot above with wiggling toes, and playfully stomps you. At the end of it all, you have become tired from all the fun and take a rest.

The anthro Rayquaza happily moves into your house and becomes your pet.


You somehow cross paths with a giant pokemon. How does the situation unfold?

Pokemon Macro Fetish
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