nonhuman bounty

ผลการวินิจฉัย Not too long ago, in a cave glowing with natural crystals, you found yourself pinned down and bred by an otherworldly creature, unbound by the laws of physics as you know them. It entered your greatest depths, and you hoped it would leave something behind — perhaps heavy, solid eggs in varying sizes, some so small that you would barely feel them and some so large that they would distort your belly.

After spending a day and a half getting filled until you could no longer think of anything but pleasure, you were left with a slightly swollen belly that made your body look soft and fecund, and shifted gently with your every movement. Even though you already expect this, it won't be until a few months from now that you'll have an unmistakeable answer: Based on the fullness in your abdomen, it'll be clear that your belly is heavy with inhuman progeny. Over the course of the next two or three months, your belly will expand rapidly, until you look fully pregnant.

By the time you’re ready to give birth, you won’t be able to think about anything other than how good it feels when your young move inside of you. After a pleasurably long birth, you’ll miss having such a heavy belly. With any luck, you won’t have to wait too long before you’re carrying another round of young — and you'll look forward to it, finally embracing your body’s true purpose.


how did you come to carry what grows inside of you?

nsfw preg terato
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