inflation story maker

your name Tony The Little Boy
male or female Male
inflate with what? The Yellow Virus Gas
belly,butt,breasts,or all 3 Butt, Legs, Hair, Back, Hands, Neck, Head, Belly
Hose:mouth,butt, or noneNone
what do you want to happen?Tony Floats Away! Uh oh!
Tony The Little Boy woke up one morning feeling different. As the day went on, he noticed his body starting to swell uncontrollably. His butt, legs, hair, back, hands, neck, head, and belly were all expanding rapidly. The culprit? The Yellow Virus Gas he must have inhaled unknowingly. Despite his confusion and fear, Tony's body kept swelling with no end in sight. Soon, he found himself floating off the ground, unable to control his ascent. And so, Tony floated away, a living balloon drifting aimlessly in the sky for the rest of his life.


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