Plushie Monster Transformation Remake
The Plushie Unicorn Toy
DoingSitting Alone In Box
The Full MoonRed Glowing Moon
Hands Does Do Hands Puffed Into a Huge Mega Inflated Hands
Fingers Does DoFingers Puffed Into a Huge Super Inflated Fingers
Size StomachMega Huge
Body Parts Nose And Leg
Different ColourDark And Red
The Plushie Is Happening Next Horn Puffed Into a Super Fat Horn
He Or She She
The Unicorn Toy was sitting alone in a box when she saw the red glowing moon. Suddenly, she started shaking and grew big. Her hands puffed into huge mega inflated hands, and her fingers puffed into huge super inflated fingers. Her stomach swelled into a mega huge size, and her body parts, nose, and leg were torn into pieces. Her skin turned dark and red as she transformed into a giant monster. With a super fat horn, she howled at the moon.


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