An unexpected guest! [NSFW]

ผลการวินิจฉัย blackanimegurl is a Arachne, with eight long, spidly arachnid legs, a large abdomen, and quite the affinity for sewing and making lots of silk.

Her love-pillows would look more at home on a cow of some sort. They're impossibly large, perky, and bouncy, and incredibly milky as well. Lucky you!

She's got the stature of a giant, larger than the average girl by more than a few feet, with a body to match. She's really, really tall!

She's normally incredibly introverted, quiet, and frankly shy. She dresses more modestly than other monster girls, but that could just be her hiding her truly ravenous lusts.

Why she's here, however, is because she's been disguised as a human and also your best friend, and she finally needs to tell you the truth about her and how she feels. She loves you!


A ravenous monster-girl has broken into your house, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. She's in your room, staring down at you. Let's find out what exactly she is.

NSFW Monster Lewd
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