OwO Fat Girl Time~

ผลการวินิจฉัย *huff* *puff*

365 Pounds all together.

Your huge breasts weigh you down with every step, swaying mercilessly against your body.
You struggle to heave your massive belly around, as it pokes out of even your biggest shirts.
At least your pants fit you butt, though they are SUPER tight.
Your flabby thighs leave waddling as your way to get around
Your arms are dexterous enough to keep up though!

You blink awake to light streaming into your room. Drowsily, you push yourself up, fast food wrappers rustling around you. It's already noon, and you don't feel like putting on any clothes today.

Now, you are kind of regretting that food binge last night...


[Warning: This is for a fat fetish, and it assumes you're a girl, if you aren't okay with that, you might want to leave.]
Veletica Copper@Veleticacopper

FatGirl WeightGain WG_writing
ผลการวินิจฉัย: คงเดิม

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