Transformed! Into a Demon…?

ผลการวินิจฉัย Greianda Neko neko splutters as the summoning circle goes horribly wrong and silver smoke consumes them, coiling up from the ground. Archaic runes rise from the floorboards as magic weaves its way into the helpless vessel.

There is pain…and sorrow.

Greianda Neko neko’s spine twists. They feel a burning, writhing sensation as if their very nerves are wriggling to break free from their flesh. Suddenly, something is changing…

Greianda Neko neko blacks out.

When they come to, they’re lying stiff on the cold floor and their new form covers the now-ruined circle.

Wait …new form-!?

A set of bat-like wings seems to be attached to them, splaying wide across the dark room.

The light flickers on above and the next thing Greianda Neko neko notices is that their body is covered in olive-green skin. A long, furry tail catches them by shock in the corner of their slitted fuschia eyes —they blink rapidly before finally looking at their feet and hands, warped profusely into thick, elongated tendrils of flesh.

A single spiralling horn protrudes from Greianda Neko neko’s cranium above pointed ears that hear everything… save for the old thrum of Greianda Neko neko’s mortal heart.

They’ve become the very monster they sought to control.

A groan works it’s way up Greianda Neko neko’s demonic throat. They bare their sharp teeth and usher a bellow of wrath which sends forth dark fire from their maw. Candles nearby burst into flame, and distant human screams can be heard as homes are mysteriously engulfed…

…this is the existence which now grips them eternally.


you find yourself in a new, bizarre body —demon edition! a summoning spell goes haywire. what fate awaits you in your infernal form? VERY DETAILED!

demon transformation furry
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