Miitopia fan made job AI generator

Job nameSummoner
Summoner Skills:

1. Summon Familiar - Level 1
Description: Summons a loyal familiar to aid in battle. The familiar has basic attack abilities.
Level Unlock: Available from the start.

2. Elemental Blast - Level 5
Description: Unleashes a powerful blast of elemental energy, dealing damage to all enemies.
Level Unlock: Reach level 5.

3. Soul Link - Level 10
Description: Establishes a connection with your familiar, increasing its stats and granting additional abilities.
Level Unlock: Reach level 10.
Notes: Requires Summon Familiar to be active.

4. Shadow Cloak - Level 15
Description: Surrounds yourself with a cloak of shadows, making you invisible to enemies for a short duration.
Level Unlock: Reach level 15.

5. Arcane Explosion - Level 20
Description: Releases a wave of arcane energy, damaging all nearby enemies and reducing their resistance.
Level Unlock: Reach level 20.

- Remember to keep your familiar summoned for maximum effectiveness.
- Use Shadow Cloak to escape dangerous situations or to set up ambushes.
- Soul Link enhances your familiar's abilities, making it a valuable asset in battles.
- Arcane Explosion is great for dealing with groups of enemies or weakening high resistance targets.


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