FGO Servant Creator

Character NameRubia
Rubia AKA The Scarlet Songstress
Class: Caster
Attribute: Star
Alignments: Lawful Good
Active Skills: Melodic Charm, Arcane Symphony, Celestial Harmony
Passive Skills: Magical Resonance, Serene Aura
Appen Skills: Starlit Lullaby
Noble Phantasm: Symphony of the Cosmos
Biography: Rubia is a talented caster known for her enchanting melodies and magical prowess.
Relationship: She has a deep connection with the stars and celestial beings.
Friends: Other star-aligned servants and those who appreciate music and magic.
Family: None known
Enemy: Those who seek to disrupt the harmony of the cosmos.
Voice Lines: "Let my music soothe your soul and guide you to the stars."
Appearance: Radiant, with flowing scarlet hair and celestial robes.
Personality: Graceful, compassionate, and devoted to preserving cosmic balance.


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