Backrooms Entity Creator

Describe the Entity5'4" shadow with purple eyes and mouth "Beware" It's intimidating and mischievous found on level 9
Entity Number: 5'4" Shadow with Purple Eyes and Mouth "Beware"

Habitat: Level 9

Description: This entity appears as a 5'4" shadow with purple eyes and mouth that says "Beware." It exudes an intimidating and mischievous aura.

Behavior: Known to intimidate and play pranks on unsuspecting individuals.

Biology: The entity's biology is unknown, but it is believed to be a supernatural being.

Discovery: Discovered on level 9 by explorers who encountered its eerie presence.

Do's and Don'ts:

Do's: Approach with caution, maintain a respectful distance, observe from afar.

Don'ts: Engage in direct confrontation, provoke or challenge its presence, underestimate its abilities.


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